since May 2010 member of board of directors of OC Oerlikon AG, Pfäffikon/CH
member of the Audit committee
since September 2009

since march 2009 independent consultant
2004-2009 COO (chief operating officer) and deputy CEO of Bombardier Transportation
world’s #1 in rail transportation technology, located in Berlin (€ 7 bill. revenues, 30 000 employees)
responsible lead of worldwide restructuring program 2004-2005 - closure of
8 sites/plants and downsizing by 8200 employees worldwide
2001-2004 president of division „locomotives & freight“ of Bombardier Transportation
located in Zurich/CH
1999-2001 vicepresident (operations) and managing director of DWA AG, Berlin
1996-1999 president (mainline) and managing director of ADtranz GmbH, Berlin
1994-1996 member of board, executive vice president of ABB Henschel AG, Mannheim
1992-1994 managing director of ABB Henschel Lokomotiven GmbH, Kassel
1987-1992 head of division, director of ABB Marine, Öl- und Gas in Hamburg, subsidiary of ABB Industrie und Automations AG, Mannheim
1981-1987 head of region Middle East and frenchspeaking Africa of switchgear/installation export of BBC AG, Mannheim
1979-1981 head of division hydro power plants of BBC AG, Mannheim
1976-1979 manager of technical office of BBC AG, Mannheim in Baghdad/Iraq
1975-1976 project engineer for turnkey switchgear installations at BBC AG, Mannheim
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